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The Power of Article Marketing-3 Ways To Use The Content You Write

By Doug Taylor

An excellent means by which to market your online business is through article marketing. Doing this costs nothing and works well. Although, there is much more you could do with each article you write. You could really generate a lot more content and make use of many marketing opportunities with each article you compose. Here are three methods you could use to enhance the power of article marketing.

The first method you could use to enhance the power of article marketing is to take the article and construct a social networking website around it. There are many widely used social networking websites. You could use the article you wrote and put it into a social networking web page. Next, you could put in several more components on the page, conditional to what exactly is provided on that social networking website and you will have more content online. It shouldn't take any longer than half an hour to accomplish.

Another fantastic methodology you might use to better your bum marketing is to make each article you come up with into a blog entry. You must have at least one blog in each niche you generate earnings with. You may wish to have a pair blogs. However, if you finish an article, you'll need to post it on your blog as a new blog entry. You will need to switch your article's title. You should change some of the sentences in the article's body, though; you'll only need slight alterations. In a matter of minutes, your article may become a blog entry without any difficulty.

The last of the 3 ways to boost your article marketing is to make your article into a video. This is much easier then you might think. You can actually use free software to make the video or you can just use a web cam and make the video directly on YouTube. The video can be as simple as you reading the article slowly and clearly. Even a basic video like this will get views and will help you with the online marketing of your business.

Now you know the 3 techniques for reinforcing the power of article marketing. You don't need to just write an article, post it up online and just forget about it after. Rather, you want to employ your article to build up a social networking internet site, make a blog entry and produce a video. Taking all 3 of these steps will not take much time to do, and the result will be a large amount of fantastic content online for you and the business you run.

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