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Divorce Help for Men - How to Stop Your Soon To Be Ex Wife from Getting Her Hands On All That Matters To You.

By Mark McDonnell

If you are at a point in your marriage where it has been very clear that a divorce is inevitable, then you need to start planning your exist strategy fast.

The divorce court tend to favour the woman, and so if you want to stand any chance in the court, you need to outsmart your wife.

Below are the three top tactics that you need to employ fast:

1. Get an experienced divorce Lawyer: Cheap is not always cheerful, so make sure you get yourself a good lawyer. You need someone with a wealth of experience and at the same time not cost you everything you manage to keep after your divorce.

Getting a good lawyer does not necessarily mean that you leave everything about your divorce case to him or her. You need to be in charge and speak up every time anything is unclear or if you dont agree with a course of action.

Always remember that you know your wife better than the lawyer ever could and if he makes suggestions about how to go about an issue, if you dont think it will work say so and be firm about it.

2.Another divorce help for men is not to sign any documents: If your wife comes to you to sign any form of documentation, no matter how innocent it looks, do not sign it. From the moment your divorce has become inevitable, you need to run everything by your divorce lawyer before you take any action on it.

3. Do not to pack out of your home: Chances are the tension between you and your wife will be almost unbearable but you need to hang in there till your divorce case is finalised.

Packing out of your home sends a signal that you are financially capable of buying or renting another apartment. This would almost certainly give your wife the upper hand when it comes to who would get your home after the divorce.

We have briefly touched on three top divorce tactics for men that you can implement right away if you want to stand a chance in the divorce court.

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