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Signage: Modern Trends

By Harrison James

Advertising has become a focal point of our lives. It is actually considered as the major income generator in many areas of business. As the significance of advertising has increased over the years, companies are interested in finding innovative ways of conveying their message to broader audiences. Advertising signage is one of the latest and most obvious forms of advertising. This type of business promotion is targeted at everyone passing by a specific place where this signage is installed. Therefore, a company is able to attract hundreds of thousands of new customers.

In fact, no company can now afford to override the importance of advertising. It is so because otherwise, the company would not be able even to start its business, as people would not be aware of its existence. Although advertising has evolved over the years and now relies heavily on television and Internet but the importance of advertising signage has still not diminished.

This tangible approach has been much more prosperous in capturing the attention of the viewers as compared to internet marketing, where only a few selected people visit a site and view those ads uploaded by an organisation.

The example of an electronics company involved in expanding its business in a new market can be taken. The possibility of the company advertising its products in the regional channels and newspapers is significant. Apart from these most visible forms of advertisements, the company will also try to contact the local well-known websites to get its message across the board.

Nevertheless, in order to be successful, the company would have to install catchy signage at all the major crossroads of that particular city or district. As a result, it would be able to reach the maximum amount of viewers, and thus, generate a lot of quick inflow of new customers.

There has been a lot of progress and modernisation in the use of signage. Advertising agencies were more than satisfied with putting up compact screens on major thoroughfares and road junctions in order to attract customers, in the old days. This strategy may not produce much fanfare and customers these days. Advertising signage has to be captivating and engaging enough to appeal the new customers and retain the existing ones.

Digital signage is smaller and sometimes resembles the home theatre systems though they gather less space. As digital signage use LCD TV screens, anything can be displayed on them that might include a documentary on a product, TV commercial or a 3-D animation. Digital signage is considered amongst the most expensive ones, as each signage requires large LCD display and computer software to run the advertisement movies.

LCD screens with promotional movies running on them are also associated with advertising signage. This type of signage is more attractive as compared to animation since people find it easier to decipher the message given in a basic movie, as compared to sometimes-shabby animations. Kids, on the other hand, are fond of animations and their products should be advertised using an animated signage. Neon signs and intensely illuminated signage are now outdated. They have ceased to be popular in the world of advertising. In this world of creativity and technology, only the latest and brightest types of advertising, like an animated signage, can endure.

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