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Direct Network Marketing - Best Source of Targeted Leads

By Todd Gleason

Anyone involved in network marketing knows that a continuous supply of qualified leads is the lifeblood of their business. They also know that it is getting harder every day to find good qualified leads. Up until now the primary source of leads as been paid lists. But these have proven inadequate. They have resulted in less than great conversion rates. In fact most of the names on these lists are cold and unresponsive to repeated mailings. They are in the end usually a waste of time and money.

If you're tired of beating your head against the wall trying to get these prospects to convert, there is a better way. It is a way that has good qualified prospects coming to you rather than you searching to find them. You need to start today to become an internet marketer. Doing this is essential to your survival in today's increasingly competitive direct network marketing environment.

If you don't have a website, go and get one right now. It only costs about $10 to register a domain name for a year - sometimes less. Start branding yourself. People join a person they know and trust; not a network marketing company by itself.

The best source of targeted leads is people who find your message on the web and want to find out more about your opportunity. These are people who are interested now and are ready to take action if they like what they see. You'll have a lot more success with these leads than those old stale email lists you've been using.

Once you have your website you'll need to start generating traffic. There are basically two types of traffic - paid and free. I would recommend you start with the free traffic sources. It will take a little longer but it will be a lot less expensive.

You want to get your website ranked high in the search engines (e.g. on first page of Google) so your message is seen by people searching for business opportunities. You'll need to do some research to find out what keywords people are searching on. You'll want to build your website around these keywords and other related keywords to get ranked.

You'll want to eventually build your own list of people that you can directly market to. This will become the greatest asset of your business. These people will join your list because they are interest in what you have to offer. Think about it. When you sponsor people into your network marketing opportunity, that list belongs to the company. Many organizations have very strict rules about what you can and can't do with your downline. The company goes away and your list goes away. Protect it.

Build a long term asset - your list - outside of any one specific business opportunity. If you do that you'll generate high quality targeted leads for your current opportunity and a readymade list for other business opportunities and services that you might want to offer.

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