Sarana pencari uang





Dewasa ini, keberadaan Pasar Modern sudah begitu pesat perkembangannya.Pasar Modern adalah pasar yang dikelola dengan manajemen modern, umumnya terdapat di wilayah perkotaan sebagai penyedian barang dan jasa dengan mutu dan pelayanan yang baik terhadap konsumen ( umumnya anggota masyarakat kelas menengah ke atas ). Bentuk Pasar Modern antara lain Mall, Supermarket, Departement Store, Waralaba, Toko Mini Swalayan, Shopping Centre dan Pasar Serba Ada. Kenyataannya, dia tidak hanya melanda daerah perkotaan, melainkan juga menembus daerah pedesaan. Akibat meledaknya Pasar Modern tersebut, berdampak langsung terhadap keberadaan Pasar Tradisonal. Perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat sekarang ini juga berimbas terhadap gaya berbelanja mereka. Pengaruh informasi yang didapatkan baik dari media cetak maupun media elektronik, ikut berpengaruh terhadap perubahan gaya hidup mereka. Status dan gengsi yang tinggi ikut menentukan tempat mana yang cocok dengan kondisi ekonomi mereka.

Di kota Madiun sekarang banyak bermunculan Pasar Modern, baik dalam bentuk Pasar Serba Sama maupun Pasar Serba Aneka yang sudah dikemas begitu cantik, yang mana sangat menarik perhatian pembeli nyata ( dalam hal ini adalah Masyarakat Madiun pada khususnya). Banyak tempat-tempat strategis di kota Madiun ini sudah diduduki oleh Pasar Modern ini. Contoh nyatanya adalah dengan banyak didirikannya pusat pembelanjaan di jantung kota Madiun seperti Matahari Departement Store, Pasar Raya Sri Ratu, Giant dan yang baru saja berdiri yaitu Carefour. Dengan banyaknya berdiri pasar-pasar modern itu, memberikan banyak alternative dan kemudahan terhadap konsumen dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya, mulai dari kebutuhan sandang, pangan maupun papan. Disini konsumen bisa memenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya hanya dalam satu tempat tanpa harus berpindah-pindah.

Keberadaan Pasar Modern di Madiun yang begitu banyak, menjadikan mereka para Pengelola Pasar tersebut saling berlomba-lomba dalam meningkatkan pelayanan dan pemenuhan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Tujuan mereka tidak lain adalah untuk memegang monopoli pasar. Persaingan diantara pasar modern mendorong para manajemen pasar modern ini untuk terus mencari informasi mengenai apa yang menjadi kepuasan dari konsumen karena hal ini adalah kunci utama agar mereka tidak ditinggalkan oleh pelanggan.

Menjamurnya Pasar Modern di kota Madiun berimbas secara langsung terhadap keberadaan Pasar Tradisional yang sudah berdiri sebelumnya. Banyak pemasar dan pedagang Pasar Tradisional mengeluh bahwa omzet mereka sejak adanya Pasar Modern mengalami penurunan dibanding sebelumnya. Keadaan ini sangat memprihatinkan. Jika hal ini tidak segera ditanggulangi, bukan tidak mungkin Pasar Tradisonal inipun akan musnah. Mereka sampai saat ini masih bisa bertahan mungkin karena karakter atau budaya masyarakat Madiun yang masih suka berbelanja di Pasar karena di Pasar masih ada tradisi tawar menawar, sedangkan di Pasar Modern sudah ditentukan harga dengan label harga. Adapun salah satu Pasar Tradisional yang ikut mengalami hal ini adalah Pasar Serba Aneka Pasar Sleko yang terletak tidak jauh dari lingkungan tempat tinggal saya.

Dahulu sebelum adanya Pasar Modern, Pasar Sleko mengalami masa kejayaan. Mereka meraup keuntungan yang luar biasa. Tapi sekarang hal itu sudah tidak bisa dinikmati lagi. Menurut pandangan saya, ada banyak factor penyebab tergesernya pasar Tradisional akibat munculnya Pasar Modern yaitu :


    Pasar ini memiliki tempat yang relative luas. Mereka mendesain ruangan sedemikian bagusnya dimana bertujuan agar konsumen betah dan nyaman dalam berbelanja. Lantai kelihatan bersih, fasilitas pendingin ruangan yang sejuk, Lay out dan display barang yang menarik, yang mana semua itu bisa memancing keinginan konsumen untuk berkunjung ke tempat itu.


    Pasar ini menempati area yang sempit, sumpek, sesak dan bahkan mempunyai bau yang kurang sedap. Kondisi ini membuat pembeli merasa kurang nyaman. Lantainya kotor, tempatnya panas dan sumpek membuat konsumen gerah, penataan ruangan yang semrawut dan kurang tertata rapi, dimana kadang-kadang ada sebagian penjual yang melebihi space bedaknya dan memakan jalan pasar sehingga membuet pembeli kesulitan untuk lewat.


    Pasar ini menawarkan harga yang tidak kalah jauh murahnya dengan harga yang ditawarkan di Pasar Tradisional. Bahkan, saya pernah menjumpai harga suatu barang yang dijual di Pasar modern jauh lebih murah dari yang ditawarkan di Pasar Tradisional. Contoh nyata yang sempat saya jumpai adalah harga gula pasir. Di Carefour, harga gula per kg Rp. 8.500 dimana harga tersebut jauh lebih murah dari harga di toko kelontong pada umumnya. Di pasar ini barang yang ada sudah dilengkapi oleh label harga sehingga pembeli tidak perlu menawar lagi.


    Harga yang ditawarkan di Pasar ini sebenarnya relative murah, tapi itu bagi mereka yang pandai menawar harga. Untuk konsumen yang belum terbiasa berbelanja di pasar ini ada rasa takut dalam berbelanja karena jika mereka salah menawar bisa-bisa mendapatkan harga yang mahal alias kebelondrok.


    Pasar modern sering memberikan penawaran diskon harga yang gila-gilaan. Ini sebenarnya merupakan rayuan terselubung agar pembeli lebih komsumtif. Tak jarang orang menjadi Lapar Mata ketika melihat barang-barang menarik dengan harga diskon meskipun sebenarnya mereka tidak membutuhkan barang tersebut. Kondisi inilah yang sering dimanfaatkan oleh manajemen Pasar Modern.


    Pasar ini jarang memberikan diskon atau potongan harga terhadap pembeli, kecuali dalam jumlah pembelian yang banyak.


    Pasar ini memberikan kelengkapan barang-barang kebutuhan konsumen mulai dari bumbu dapur, alat-alat rumah tangga, barang pecah belah dan yang lainnya. Tujuan mereka adalah agar konsumen bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya hanya dalam satu tempat tanpa harus berpindah ke tempat lain. Kualitas barang yang disajikan di tempat ini bisa dijamin karena melalui penyeleksian terlebih dahulu secara ketat sehingga barang yang rijek atau tidak memenuhi persyaratan klasifikasi akan ditolak. Hal ini bisa meningkatkan keyakinan konsumen bahwa dia tidak salah pilih beli di tempat ini. Disamping itu, pasar ini juga menyediakan barang impor yang menambah kelengkapan barang.


    Pasar ini kurang lengkap dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan barang konsumen. Kadang-kadang konsumen merasa kecewa dia harus berpindah ke tempat lain karena dia tidak mendapatkan barang yang dia inginkan di tempat ini. Tentu saja hal ini akan berdampak pada borosnya bensin, waktu dan tenaga. Kualitas barang yang dijual di pasar kebanyakan kurang bagus. Contohnya adalah sayur manyur.Kesegaran barangnya kurang terjamin, bahkan tidak sedap dipandang mata.


    Pasar Modern memberikan fasilitas tempat parkir yang luas dan cenderung aman. Bahkan ada salah satu pasar modern yang memberikan fasilitas parkir gratis yaitu Carefour. Ini merupakan salah satu pelayanan pembeli yang mengasikan. Disini juga disediakan tempat penitipan barang gratis bagi pmbeli yang masih ingin berbelanja lagi tanpa harus keberatan menjinjingnya kemana-mana.


      Di pasar ini penataan tempat parkirnya kurang teratur bahkan bisa dikatakan semrawut. Ada juga indikasi rebutan antara tukang parkir satu dengan yang lain. Segi keamanan di tempat parkir ini kurang bisa menjamin sehingga kadang-kadang pembeli kurang nyaman. Tidak adanya tempat penitipan barang bagi konsumen juga menjadi masalah.


    Pembeli adalah raja. Motto inilah yang selalu ditekankan oleh manajer pemasaran terhadap pramuniaganya. Mereka harus memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan kepada pelanggan. Disini juga disediakan kotak saran bagi pelanggan yang complain terhadap pelayanan pramuniaga. Sehingga mereka bisa meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap konsumen agar tidak berpindah ke lain tempat. Pengetahuan Produk Knowledge, penampilan diri mulai dari busana dan make up wajah menjadi tuntutan bagi setiap pramuniaga sehingga mereka benar-benar tidak hanya sebagai sales promotion tetapi juga harus bisa menjadi sales consultan bagi pembeli. Mereka harus bisa menjempu bola, bukan hanya menunggu.


    Pelayanan penjual pasar tradisional kadang kurang memuaskan. Jika ada pembeli yang menawar terlalu rendah, penjual sempat menjawabnya dengan ketus. Hal ini bisa menyinggung perasaan pembeli sebagai pelanggan kita. Ada sebagian penjual di pasar tradisional yang melayani pembeli dengan ramah dan menjemput bola, tetapi ada juga yang asal-asalan.


    Di pasar-pasar modern sekarang ini, mereka cenderung membuat data base konsumen dengan menciptakan Kartu Keanggotaan bagi pelanggan. Dimana kartu tersebut memiliki fungsi yang banyak. Tujuannya tidak lain agar mereka bisa mempertahankan pembeli potensialnya. Melalui data keanggotaan tersebut, mereka bisa selalu menginformasikan program-program atau diskon-diskon menarik kepada setiap pelanggannya baik melalui telepon maupun pesan singkat elektronik. Disamping itu, pelanggan juga dipancing untuk terus berbelanja agar point yang didapatkan bisa ditukarkan dengan gift atau voucher belanja. Contoh Pasar modern yang menerapkan cara ini adalah Matahari Departemen Store dan Pasar Raya Sri Ratu.


    Disini penjual pasar tradisioanal cenderung kurang memberikan perhatian yang lebih terhadap pembeli potensialnya. Mereka cenderung menunggu pembeli tanpa ada follow up terhadap pelanggannya. Sedikit perhatian dari penjual membuat pembeli merasa senang. Sebenarnya sudah ada sebagian penjual pasar yang care terhadap pelanggannya. Contohnya adalah dengan diberikannya sedikit bingkisan lebaran bagi setiap pelanggan setianya.


    Di pasar ini, manajemen mengelompokkan barang-barang sesuai dengan jenis kegunaan barang agar konsumen tidak kesulitan dalam mencari barang kebutuhannya. Kelompok barang-barang tersebut dilengkapi dengan petunjuk kelas barang mulai seperti perlengkapan bayi, bumbu-bumbu dapur, sayur mayur, dan lain-lain.


    Penataan kelompok penjual di pasar ini masih semrawut. Pembeli cenderung kebingungan dalam mencari barang kebutuhannya karena tidak ada pengelompokkan penjual secara rapi. Bahkan ada sebagian penjual yang menempati jalan pasar untuk berjualan yang mana bisa mempersempit ruang jalan bagi pembeli. Kondisi inilah yang perlu Pemerintah benahi.


    Pasar ini dikelola oleh manajemen professional yang ahli dalam bidangnya sehingga mereka berusaha mencari ide-ide kreatif untuk menarik perhatian konsumen melalui program dan promosi untuk terus mendongkrak omzet penjualan. Contoh program dan promosi yang sering saya jumpai di pasar modern adalah beli 2 gratis 1, belanja sejumlah nominal tertentu gratis voucher belanja, dan promosi diskon gila-gilaan. Dengan adanya promosi dan program seperti ini saya yakin banyak pembeli yang terpancing untuk berbelanja.


    Pasar ini dikelola oleh Dinas Pasar yang mana kurang ahli dalam hal manajemen pemasaran. Mereka cenderung statis, pasif, dan tidak pernah melakukan terobosan-terobosan menarik yang membantu promosi para pedagang tradisional. Jika diambilkan sedikit dana dari Anggaran Pasar untuk biaya promosi, saya yakin bisa sedikit membantu para pedagang.


    Pasar Modern dilengkapi dengan staf security atau keamanan yang menunjang kenyamanan pembeli. Disamping itu, disini juga dipasang kamera cctv untuk mengamati kondisi sekitar pasar. Di pasar ini kita juga jarang menemui adanya gelandangan, pengemis dan pengamen dimana keberadaan mereka membuta pembeli merasa risih.


    Keamanan pembeli di pasar ini kurang terjamin. Banyak kita temui adanya pencopet maupun penjambret yang meresahkan. Keadaan seperti ini membuat pembeli kurang nyaman dalam berbelanja. Pembeli merasa was-was jika membawa uang banyak atau perhiasan. Selain itu, banyak kita jumpai adanya pengemis dan pengamen yang kadang mereka memaksa kepada pembeli. Banyak preman pasar yang mengusik kenyamanan pembeli. Jika hal ini bisa diminimalkan maka bisa meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang.


    Di tempat ini, konsumen memiliki keleluasaan dalam melakukan transaksi pembayaran. Mereka bisa menggunakan cash money atau memakai kartu elektronik semacam kartu kredit atau debit. Konsumen mayoritas dia lebeih nyaman jika menggunakan fasilitas ini, karena dirasa lebih aman.


    Di pasar ini, penjual hanya bisa menerima pembayaran secara cash. Keadaan ini membuat konsumen kadang merasa was-was kalau harus membawa cash money dalam jumlah yang relative besar karena rawan akan kecopetan.


Berdasarkan factor-faktor yang membedakan antara Pasar Modern dengan Pasar Tradisional di atas, maka jika kita tidak segera mengambil langkah-langkah konkret untuk meningkatakan mutu Pasar Tradisional maka bukan tidak khayal lagi keberadaan mereka akan tergususr dengan Pasar Modern yang dipegang oleh swasta bermodal besar. Untuk itulah, Pemerintah dalam hal ini adalah Dinas Pasar harus segera mencari solusi nyata penyelamatan. Ada salah satu contoh Pasar Tradisional di Jakarta yang sekarang ini sudah luar biasa perkembangannya semenjak Pemerintah DKI melakukan revitalisasi total. Pasar itu adalah Pasar Tanah Abang yang keberadaannya sekarang sudah dikenal hingga kancah Internasional. Sebenarnya Madiun bisa mengambil langkah serupa dengan menjadikan salah satu Pasar Tradisioanalnya seperti Pasar Tanah Abang, mungkin seperti Pasar Sleko.

Menurut opini saya, ada beberapa solusi yang bisa diambil oleh Pemerintah melalui Dinas Pasar untuk menyelamatkan Pasar Tradisional yaitu dengan menata ulang keseluruhan Pasar ini. Tentu saja kegiatan ini harus mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat Madiun pada umumnya dan pedagang Pasar Tradisional pada khususnya. Adapun langkah-langkah yang bisa diambil adalah :


Pemerintah sebaiknya merenovasi ulang Pasar Tradisional dimana didesain seperti Pasar Modern. Lantainya dibuat sebersih mungkin dari keramik, dilengkapi dengan pendingin ruangan, stand-stand kelompok dagang diatur ulang sesuai dengan jenis kebutuhan barang yang dijual agar konsumen tidak kesulitan dalam mencari barang kebutuhannya. Jika pasarnya lebih dari dua lantai maka sebaiknya dilengkapi dengan escalator atau bahkan jika memungkinkan diberi fasilitas lift.


    Tempat kumuh kurang sedap dipandang mata. Kesan Pasar Tradisonal yang kumuh harus dihilangkan. Keadaan pasar yang jorok dan kotor harus dibenahi kebersihannya. Disini Pemerintah bekerjasama dengan penghuni pasar harus bisa mewujudkan keindahan pasar. Di titik-titik tertentu harus diberi bak-bak sampah dan petugas kebersihan harus digalakkan. Dengan demikian, saya yakin pembeli akan senang berbelanja di tempat ini karena bau tidak sedap sudah tidak ada lagi.


Tempat parkir di Pasar Tradisional harusnya dikelola oleh Dinas Pasar jadi satu sehingga tidak terjadi rebutan antara petugas parkir satu dengan yang lain. Disamping itu disediakan tempat parkir khusus yang memiliki lahan yang luas sehingga konsumen leluasa dalam memarkir kendaraannya. Disamping itu, hal ini bisa memberikan rasa nyaman pengunjung.


Keberadaan preman-preman pasar ini membuat gelisah baik bagi pedagang esndiri maupun bagi pengunjung pasar. Bagi pedagang, dia harus menyediakan pajak rutin terhadap preman ini setiap harinya yang mana bisa mengurangi profit yang ia peroleh bahkan bisa berimbas pada naiknya harga barang. Bagi pengunjung, preman ini kadang menyebabkan kenyamanan dan keamanan mereka terganggu. Jika preman-preman ini diminimalisir, maka pengunjung akan merasa sedikit tenang untuk berbelanja. Adanya pengemis dan pengamen kadang juga mengganggu kenyamanan pengunjung, kadang-kadang mereka cenderung memaksa.


Pemerintah bisa membantu mempromosikan Pasar Tradisional ini melalui beberapa program-program acara menarik, bahkan bisa dibuatkan Web Site khusus mengenai Pasar ini agar bisa diakses oleh para pengunjung dimanapun juga, tidak hanya lokal melainkan bisa dari seluruh Indonesia. Promosi juga bisa dilakukan melalui media massa maupun elektronik. Banyak tv lokal berdiri.





Infinite Possibilities With Green Screen Studio LA

By Phillip Guye

With the wide ranging capacities of special effects crews, you can conjure up almost anything that you would like to. Yesterday, I was watching a picture where the actor was crouching on the side of a driveway, trying to escape from the enemy who was pursuing him. I wouldn't have, for an instant, imagined that the full scene was shot in a green screen studio LA. The effect was so pragmatic that I could almost feel the discomfort that the actor was feeling, making an attempt to sit still in the midst of rats running all around him with the worst of the creepy crawlies out to get at him and masses more.

Similarly, I have always questioned how it was possible for men in uniform to be filmed during these grand action sequences. I am not talking about real life action, but remakes of that certain kind of army action; something that we do not frequently see all the time. I keep considering how the cameraman could get so close as to see the expression on the faces of these men, trying hard to progress and quell the fantastical demonic armed forces that were approaching. Now, I understand that these men never went anywhere near a battlefield. The whole thing was shot in a green screen studio LA.

When I saw the procedure I noticed that it was all about computer effects and compositing, editing and such like. The men in uniform were filmed with the green screen as a backdrop in the green screen studio LA. The picture of the green screen was eliminated and it got replaced by photographs of precise battle. The final picture looked like there had been an actual wild battle raging and that many people would be finished on the field. Actually, this was not really happening. There wasn't any need for carnage of any sort. Real locations do not figure into this sort of shooting, because there is no need at all.

When the superimposing of pictures can be done in almost no time at all, there is no need to form expenditures that involve shifting to and from real location spots. The green screen studio LA can offer a lot more than just the green screen. For instance, if you'd like to do your modifying in the studio, you can think of using any of the editing bays that are also available. All this comes at a price that may be bartered before the particular shooting is started.

there are not many more further features that are given as an element of the services offered when you lease the green screen studio LA out. You can ask for the assistance of a post production crew and you may also ensure that the DSL net connection is working properly. It is undeniably easy bothering you, working in this sort of a setup. So, please think more than simply once before traipsing off to a location to shoot difficult shots. These green screen flats are better.

About the Author:


Keep Your Computers Safe - Use Spyware Blockers

By Patrick Roody

As the name indicates, a spyware infiltrates into a computer system and does the spy work! It gathers information on the user's computer and the browsing habits without his or her knowledge and sends it to the programmers. A spyware blocker looks for any such spyware programs and prevents it from breaking in to the computer. Newly installed spyware blockers can get rid of the existing spywares and adwares in the system.

Spywares are everywhere on the Internet, and once they get into your system they can tap information about everything including your accounts and your passwords too and send this information back to their programmers. They are programmed according to their programmer's needs, so if their programmers want it, they can tap into everything you do. This is a big risk and it makes you vulnerable to many online crimes.

You need to protect your computer from these softwares using spyware blockers. These programs give you a complete protection from spywares. They don't just block they spywares but they also remove these malicious softwares and clean your system of them.

A good spyware blocker will prevent any malicious software from being installed in your computer. Even if the spywares are smart enough to penetrate this defense, an effective spyware blocker will detect it and clean the system.

Most anti virus also have anti spywares with them. However, they are not as flexible as spyware blockers. They also take more time to detect and remove spywares as compared to spyware blockers. This is because spyware blockers are designed to immediate recognise and remove spywares, including the existing ones as soon as they are installed. Anti virus programs need to be updated to do this.

Users should also pay attention to update signature of their spyware blocker every two to four weeks. Any spyware blocker is best effective only when it has up-to-date signatures. If your spyware blocker doesn't have an inbuilt scan-scheduling capability you should perform manual spyware blocker scans and report anything that comes up in the scan.

With a host of new and powerful spyware programs being built every moment, the battle with spyware is constant. Anybody who is looking for good spyware blockers right now has some serious challenge on hand. You can try NoAdware for free and see the results yourself.

About the Author:


Greater Revenues with Address Validation

By Craig Mather

Almost everything can now be bought with just a click of the computer mouse. Driving all the way to the shops to purchase something is slowly becoming a thing of the past. The internet has become the most accessible market everywhere and it has become people's favorite mode of purchasing.

Online accessibility for customers anywhere would consequently result into bigger profits for a business. Return of investments would ride high on the volume of online orders from customers that are miles away. However, while that is something to cheer about, it also has some kinks. The accessibility of the online ordering web pages can also leave it vulnerable to data entry errors and malicious mischief.

Anyone can enter data into an ordering webpage and that includes those who just want to play practical jokes or who seriously want to put into trouble a company's delivery system. Without email address verification, deliveries could go awry. Without address validation, goods can even be sent to the wrong people. This is naturally bad for the business. The disorganized and delayed delivery can turn off even loyal customers.

With Experian QAS email address verification, address data problems may no longer be much of a concern. Address validation complemented with excellent services can result into a more organized and accurate customer databank. The net outcome, of course, is measured in terms of lesser costs and higher profits.

Most email address verification processes are done in three major steps. It is usually the email address itself that is checked if the required user's name and domain is there. Next, the domain is confirmed if it is still active or not. Lastly, syntax errors in the email address is identified if there are any.

Advanced email address verification softwares can detect errors even at the time of data entry. This makes users create the necessary adjustments and corrections in real time. These can also be modified to ascertain what email addresses should be rejected, accepted, or corrected. Companies like Experian QAS, aside from their softwares' instant verification, also provide services such as existing email addresses cleansing.

Accurate address data entries made in online ordering can spell either success or disaster for a business. With an address validation system, ordering is rendered efficient and effective. It would also makes online ordering convenient for the customer with its instant corrections and suggestions during address entries. With validated addresses, accurate deliveries and customer connectivity are made possible.

Technology gives any business the leading edge in today's acute competition. Being number one in the market may not be enough. It takes continuous efficiency and customer satisfaction to stay longer at the top. That can be made possible by investing in email address verification as an integral part of the business system.

About the Author:


A Brief Guide: Videos and Green Screen Studios

By Phillip Guye

Whether or not you are an amateur or a professional, when it comes to making use of green screen studio, you are all practically on the same boat. Being in the same environment makes you susceptible to following the same set of guidelines and regardless whether or not you are funded by a multi-billion project, or you straightforward want to shoot a happy birthday video for your wife, you have to follow the same set of rules in using green screen terraces.

First of all how do green screen studios work? The whole idea of green screens and blue screens were highly preferred way back in the seventy's when you will see the tacky but classic weatherman delivering the report and pointing at a gigantic animated map beside him which would at times switch to photos and images and till later on returning to the map.

What they do is that they make the weatherman stand in front of a green background and then deliver his report there. After that, the editors get the video to take out the green background or the blue background and then substitute it with an image of the map and the other footage that they'll be putting in there.

In that time, a lot of costs are saved because of the green screen. Imagine not being forced to prepare numerous props and travelling to locations to deliver a scene. In modern times, the green screen has proven its purpose not only in weather reporting but in creating upscale films with special effects. A perfect example will be that of Star Wars. From there it has escalated to a different kind of art form. The modernity of software available today has made nice things possible through the use of green screen terraces.

lots of software nowadays supports recording and revising videos in chroma background. Due to this, practically anybody with a huge basement or a garage and one who knows how to correctly light up a background can make special effects that would have made seventy's science Fiction directors drool. If you can make green screen studio in your house, then the following responsibility will be left to learning to edit it. This is where things get a tiny bit more difficult. It will also be a test of your concerns. Are you ready to spend a great deal of time, effort and not to mention the learning curve of creating your own videos?

About the Author:


Renting a Green Screen Studio: Short Guide

By Phillip Guye

So you are an amateur film maker and you want to rent green screen studios to make your film masterpiece. There are a variety of reasons why you would want to hire a green screen studio and among those reasons is that you most likely have some clever videos you would like to incorporate in a selected scene. Regardless of your reason for using a green screen studio, you must pay attention to the place that you're going to hire. Masses of care should be given since the studio pretty much outlines the entire backbone of your production. Way more than post-processing, the production of the film rests greatly on the studio. It is about as important as having good actors so do not take it for granted.

What should you look hard for when leasing good green screen studios? Consider location. If your production team is based in San Diego for instance, try to not go past the state just for a green screen studio. The cost that it would most likely take for you to travel and transport your whole production crew from states that are fully at either end would simply overthrow your cost for the whole production. Invest in research ; there is doubtless a good green screen studio near your base that you can utilize without losing an arm and a leg.

Take note of the cost of renting a green screen studio. Bear in mind that the fee for a decent green screen studio production is usually a product of the size of the studio, the quality and modernity of the equipment and the professionalism of the crew that runs the place.

Here are the kit that you need to roughly find in a green screen studio that you are going to lease : A stage, lighting grid, HVAC units and naturally, vehicle access. All other features are merely a plus but you shouldn't forget to cover the fundamentals. It's also naturally, true that there should be make-up rooms and a room that overlooks the whole facility. You'll have to direct in a substantial distance and the communication between the tech room and on the floor should be open.

Special green screen residences have tall grids and 3-wall cyclorama. If you can find one in your region that has these specs, it might already be a good deal for you.

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The Basics Of Computer File Recovery

By Trevor Johnson

At one time or another we all delete files that we wish we could get back. Computer file recovery is a process which can be made easier if you understand what actually happens when you delete a file. A deleted file does not disappear into cyberspace. It simply has a special character added to its name so that the computer knows it may write over this file if it needs the space

Most people are unaware that nearly every action you make on a computer will write information to the hard drive. Every time you go to a new website, the computer will cache the website onto your hard drive. That is why you have a Temporary Internet Files folder on your computer.

Just because there is a special folder for a specific action, it does not mean that your file will not be written over. Your computer will use any space it finds to write data, including your deleted file. So as soon as you discover you have accidentally deleted a file you really need, stop using the computer. If your deleted file gets written over, it will make it very difficult for you to recover it.

It is vital that you immediately cease using your computer once you decide you would like to get the deleted file back. Leave the computer on, because you do not want to accidentally overwrite the file when Windows shuts down. If you do not have another computer in your home to use, use one at your local library or at a friend's house. Take a flash drive with you so that you may get a recovery tool with which you can retrieve the file.

If you do a simple search online on another computer you will be able to browse through a huge selection of deleted file recovery tools. Some will be shareware which will allow you to use them free for a limited amount of time, while others will be free to use for ever. You'll also find some which are for purchase only. Choose one and load it to your flash drive so you can retrieve your file.

One of the best things you can do to make sure this never happens to you again is to take the time to partition your hard drive. This will separate your data from your program files. You can find partitioning software online which will make this very easy. Once you have this completed, you'll never have problems with computer file recovery again.

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Family Portrait Photography - 3 Things To Keep In Mind When Hiring a Portrait Photographer

By Shaun Edwards

A family portrait is more than a photograph, it is a veritable heirloom that will be passed down from generation to generation, a rich artifact of family tradition that will speak to your kids and grandkids of their past, and where they come from.

It is because they are not the same as any other type of photograph, that you should only trust the taking of your family portrait to a professional portrait photographer. To really capture the essence of your family, no-one else will do.

It is a mistake to consider the cost of a professional portrait photographer to be a frivolous expense. Keep in mind that the end product is something that will stay within your family for years to come, and will bring enjoyment to many. When you think of a family portrait like that - like an investment - then the cost is much easier to justify. Not only will it give joy and comfort to your kids and grandkids, when your own children have left your house for college or jobs, you will be able to look back at your family portrait and derive immense joy from it.

Before you set off on your search for a portrait photographer, you have to consider three things: your budget, the kind of photograph you want to get captured, and what you plan to do with it.

Your budget will dictate your choice of photo studio. Most photo studio charge their clients a low fee per session. A busy photographer might have several such sessions throughout the day. The photographs are captured in a studio setting, and you can request anything from formal portraits to high key photographs against a white background, to even 'action' shots. A good photographer should be able to work with you to achieve the exact kind of portrait you desire. Whichever photo studio and photographer you opt for though, they will be able to assist you with the full range of aftershoot services, such as editing, printing and framing. You're often not obliged to use the same studio for these services though, should you not wish to.

Next, you must consult your family about the kind of family portrait photograph they want to get captured. You can choose a high key portrait with a white background, a more demure, sober low-key photograph with moody lighting and dull colors, or even an outdoor photograph that captures your family together in the midst of an activity. If you are not sure what would look best, then just ask your chosen photographer if you can look through their portfolio. They will also be more than willing to give you their own advice and opinions should you want them.

The final step is to decide what to do with the portrait after it has been shot. Would you prefer a single large framed print, or a frame that is made up of a series of photographs that capture different moments in the family? Do you like traditional wooden frames best, or is something with a modern twist more to your liking? These are just a couple of the decisions that you will have to make - there are plenty more. It's a fun process though, and one which will bring your family closer together.

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Precious Stones are Shiny and Own Them for Cheap

By Peter Nigerami

If you are a guy, you need to buy jewelry. If you are a women, you do what you can do help guys buy jewelry. That's why everyone will need to look at these money saving tips when buying all this bling.

Have a price in mind and just bid on online auctions, the prices are lower to begin with anyway and you will never need to overspend.

Don't forget about pawn shops. These shops generally ask for the value of the material in the product without a stiff markup. Remember that generally the markup on jewelry can be as high as 500 percent.

Ask around. Not many of your friends will know but one of two of them will probably be jewelry experts. They can tell you the cheapest place to buy, and the place that will give you the best service too.

Most people look at the upfront price but consider the servicing costs. Some stores will give you lifetime cleaning services for free which can add up.

Flea markets and yard sales are a great place to find good deals on jewelry but make sure you are buying genuine stone and not some composite material.

Craft fairs are a great way to buy jewelry because the dealers are honest and the prices are great. You may even learn a thing or two about jewelry that will benefit you for life.

Never go to any jewelry store based on an advertisement. Stores that have low margins rely on word of mouth and don't need advertising. The ones that buys ads are always the ones that make you pay more for the same quality.

Don't ever walk into a jewelry store inside a mall. The rent is so expensive and they always transfer the cost to the customers. Shopping channels on TV is the same thing. Stay away.

There's pure gold and there's some other type of gold. Not every one is the same so make sure you know the difference before you commit to the price as cost will vary significantly.

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Princess Cut Engagement Rings - Reasons For Choosing Princess Cut Engagement Rings

By Fred Gagnon

Princess cut engagement ring is a ring that is distinguished by its square-shaped gemstone. Though the princess cut includes the word "cut", it does not refer to a factor rating a diamonds quality. The term princess cut actually refers to the shaping of the gems.

Princess cut, sometimes called a square modified brilliant, is a shape result from mixing both the classic step and brilliant cuts to style the stone. Its profile or side-on shape is like an inverted pyramid with four beveled sides. It has a flat top with face-up shape of a square or a rectangle shape, which adds more fire and sparkle to the stone.

With the combination of the classic step and brilliant cuts, a princess cut engagement rings displays approximately fifty facets, which is less than a classic round cut, but more than a rectangular emerald cut. Princess cut is preferred by many for a lot of reasons.

1. Princess cut is extremely popular. It has become more distinctive alternative option to the most popular round cut, coming second in popularity although relatively new.

2. Princess cut goes well with white and colored diamonds. Engagement rings are usually set with diamonds as it's a woman's favorite. This cut creates a fascinating strike to a diamond ring. It also combines effectively the high degree of life return of a round brilliant cut or with square or rectangle shape.

3. Princess cut weighs more. This is because a princess cut with the same weight as the diameter of a round brilliant will have four corners, which would have been cut off and rounded to form a round brilliant.

Princess cut engagement rings come in many different designs, such as modern, antique, solitaire, pave setting or just a simple one. It is usually set in a four prong setting as it protects more effectively the four corners of the gemstone. Other options are the bezel setting and channel setting. It can also be customized.

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Discover The Uncomplicated And Reliable Method To Download Films From Your Computer

By Laurel White

Bear in mind that downloading movies online has come to be the most realistic use within the movies users all across America and around the globe. Many choices are on hand with different websites all over. One thing is, when you download movies online, you want to search for secure websites to download your movies from. You do not want to end up with a virus. This would not work for you.

Belles on Their Toes - Here, Myrna Loy is cast as a widowed architect who will campaign to rear her aging brood. 20th Century Fox back lot seen at its best in recollecting early'00s America. Clifton Webb makes a brief appearance at the ending. Cast includes Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain, Debra Paget, Jeffrey Hunter, Edward Arnold, Hoagy Carmichael, Barbara Bates, Robert Arthur, Verna Felton, and Martin Milner. (89 minutes,'52)

The Cheyenne Social Club - A cowboy with very little money inherits and runs the Cheyenne Social Club which to his surprise turns out to be a brothel in the Old West. The film has lots of laughs, although stereotypes are thick throughout the film. Cast includes Henry Fonda, James Stewart, Shirley Jones, Sue Ane Langdon, and Elaine Devry. (103 minutes,'70)

For Love of Ivy - A family wishes to hang on to their servant, so they find her a man to keep her happy. The motion picture is a ho-hum black romantic movie at best. Cast includes Sidney Poitier, Abbey Lincoln, Guy Bridges, Leon Bibb, Nan, Martin, Lauri Peters, and Carroll O'Connor. (102 minutes,'68)

The General Died at Dawn - Fine drama of Oriental intrigue, with mercenary Cooper falling in love with foreign agent Carroll when combating sinister warlord Tamiroff. Cast Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll, Akim Tamiroff, Dudley Digges, Porter Chamber, and William Frawley. (97 minutes,'36)

In God We Trust - Ignorant friar Feldman treks to Los Angeles. to produce money for his monastery. This movie is a comedy that is sadly unfunny starring Richard Pryor, who is cast as God. Cast includes Marty Feldman, Peter Boyle, Louise Lasser, Richard Pryor, Andy Kaufman, Wilfrid Hyde-White, and Severn Darden. (97 minutes,'84)

When downloading movies there has been a major acceptance by the everyone. Just a click away your movie is downloaded to watch in minutes. movies downloading is a cinch with the high speed internet and broad bandwidth making this a piece of cake. This practice has swept the country allowing users to make a selection and download.

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How To Get Guy Back After a Breakup

By Stewart L. Haney

It could be a tough time after a person breaks up with you. You potentially do not feel or perhaps act like yourself at that point. Life virtually appears like it has lost its meaning with him in it. Perhaps you need to get guy back.

Getting back with someone that split up with you may be an awfully hard job. For who knows what reason, the other person decided that they no longer wanted to try to work things out. They just wanted it to finish. It's often simpler to work out a relationship while you are still in it ; vs when it has stopped.

With that being said, you can get guy back if he broke up with you. The most critical aspect to this is you are absolutely positive that getting back with him is exactly what you want. Make sure your motives for getting back with him are the right ones. Don't want him back just to have him back. Make sure that there are very good reasons why you want him back.

The 2nd most vital facet to get guy back is to understand that infrequently it works, occasionally it does not. Some people can make up and push on. Others, they just can't recapture the wonder of the relationship they once shared. Even if you do not succeed you will know you probably did your best to get guy back.

If you would like to get guy back, you should, and there is not any room for negotiation on this, get your feelings under control. Men don't wish to be with girls who can not keep their feelings in order. If you attempt to get in touch with him while you do not have control of your feelings you will do even more damage. As an example, if he was beginning to miss you and think about you, but you contact him and you are an emotional mess, you'll make him realize that his choice to damage up with you was valid.

The neatest thing you can do is rather than troubling about what he's doing, or feel sorrowful that you do not have him, is to begin to live your own life. You should prove to him that you may be grown up about this breakup. Stay alongside of your daily routines. Do your hair nice, wear makeup, wear garments that cause you to feel good about yourself. Hang around with your friends.

If you're staying active and living your life without bothering him, you will have a better chance to get him back. If you stay out of contact with him, no calls, no email, no text messages, nothing, you'll probably find that he will eventually call you, or get in touch with you.

When he does, just keep it brief. Let him know how busy you have been. Don't get mushy or gush out feelings for him. Act unexcited and detached. This can confuse him. If he wants to see you again, ensure you look your absolute best. Do not let him touch you or kiss you. Before you leave, if you would like, give him a cuddle but that is it. This may drive him insane. From this point, you should be ready to get guy back pretty simply. Just take it gently.

As you can see, you can get guy back, you have to get your feelings in hand. Life your life to the fullest. Always look your finest, because that may help you to feel your best. Back off, give him space. He'll most likely get in touch with you and wish to see you again. When he does, be a little bit of a teaser. Make him work for your affections again.

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Princess Cut Engagement Rings - Making A Woman Feel Like A Real Princess

By Fred Gagnon

Princess cut engagement ring is the perfect piece of jewelry to express your true love and devotion to your woman while making her feel like a true princess. It has a gorgeous style with sharp and squared corners that adds more sparkle and fire to the gemstone.

An engagement ring acknowledges to people the couple's relationship; how a man shows his love for his precious and special bride-to-be. It is also a symbol of a man's promise of marriage to a woman.

More and more women started seeking for a more unique engagement ring, thus, making the princess cut more known. The classic round cut is the most popular gemstone cut in engagement rings. Gemstones for engagement rings are often cut in different shapes and set to make it look more beautiful and brilliant.

Princess cut engagement ring is that which has a square-shaped gemstone. The gemstone has a flat top with face-up shape of a square or a rectangular shape. The term princess cut refers to the shape that results from mixing both the classic step and brilliant cuts to design the stone. It does not refer to the factor rating a diamonds quality.

A princess cut engagement ring is usually liked due to its square shape that modifies brilliance and the gems natural beauty is maximized. It is specifically selected for its mixture of karat weight, color, clarity and cut. It can also be set in a multiple row to add more visual appeal.

The cut rating must be considered when choosing a princess cut engagement ring. It refers to the visual impact. This is especially important for a princess cut diamond ring as it has reflective quality. The diamond's color rating must be nearly colorless and flawless. The price is another consideration.

A collection of exquisite princess cut engagement ring can be found at eBay and Amazon are a good site to visit for exciting discounts and prices on selected engagement rings. Make your proposal to your true love most memorable and enjoyable moment with princess cut engagement rings.

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Don't Let The Red Ring Of Death Happen To Your Xbox 360 - 4 Tips

By Marc Sandford

The Xbox 360 is no different from most other complex machines. Proper usage and a little maintenance can help prevent breakdowns and problems later on. With the 360, the problems we're talking about are the red ring of death and other heat related issues.

If you have a new 360 and it operates just fine, it is recommended that you apply the following four tips to keep your machine working trouble free.

1.) Dust and dirt free environment.

Take care that your console is kept clean. It shouldn't be used or stored in dirty or dusty places. Dust nearby can contaminate your console if it gets into the cooling vents.

This dust traps in heat and prevents the circuitry from cooling. In addition, dust and dirt will also clog the vents, which further impedes cooling.

2.) Enclosed or stuffy environments.

The console requires plenty of air to keep itself cool. The fans in your console are used to provide a continuous flow of cooling air. If your machine is kept in a cabinet or in a cluttered corner of the room, the fans won't be able to draw in fresh cool air.

3.) Temperature of operating environment.

The console can build up heat in abundance. So it's a good idea to only use it in a location that is cool. When you do exercise that's strenuous, are you more likely to get heat exhaustion in an area that's hot or cool?

This kind of reasoning also applies to the treatment of your console. Try not to use your machine in very warm places or in direct sunlight or next to a heater or furnace. You want to stay away from all heat sources.

4.) Your Xbox needs a break once in a while!

Which physical activity will cause you to get overheated? Doing a 10 mile run or walking to the mailbox? Common sense like this also applies to the overheating issues of your console.

Hours of high definition 3d games will cause a good deal more heat than simple arcade games. If you're playing a high definition game, take some time off and give your console a break. It needs time to cool.

The Xbox 360 can be temperamental and is a frail machine especially when it comes to overheating. Treat it with care and it should give many hours of trouble free gaming.

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Key Considerations When Picking Up Discount Tires

By John Dilantros

We all know that keeping a car maintained properly can be costly to say the least, so it's no surprise that some people try to cut one of the costs with discount tires. Not just any tire can be bought as a discount tire. To help you get started, here are some things you should know.

Think About Tire Safety.

Just because your purchasing discount tires doesn't mean they have to be low on tread. The discount tires that you want to purchase should be made with quality materials and meet standards for durability. It helps to seek out a well known brand name tire when checking for discounts.

Of course, you need to know where to get them, right?

The good news is that you can pretty much find discounted tires just about anywhere you look. Check out your local paper or flyers that come in the mail, because often times dealers will advertise their discounted goods in this way. When it comes to finding a place to shop for discount tires, here are a few places to check out:

Local outlet stores near or in your area. Often times these stores will offer seasonal discounts on the tires they sell. The trick is to keep a watch out for sales so you can benefit from the great savings.

Independent sellers or retail outlets might have tires available at discount prices on the Internet through auctions or page ads. However, there are times when it could be a bit hard to shop around on web sites like that. You will be taking a bold chance unless you are sure that the ad poster is a well known retailer, as they may very well be a scam artist. Be sure that you possess some experience and wit with shopping for discount tires in an auction setting.

Internet Stores are a Wise Choice, Here's Why:

For starters, you can't beat the convenience of online shopping. Once you find a store that catches your eye, you provide them with information about the tire you're looking for, make the purchase, and soon it will be delivered right to your home. You really can't beat shopping from the comfort of your own home, avoiding the hassle of crowds and saving gas isn't bad either!

If a store has been around for a lengthy amount of time, you should be able to check out their reputation to make sure they're legit. The bonus of shopping from a reputable store is that you won't get ripped off. Also, just like any other store you should be able to get a warranty or guarantee to back up your purchase for peace of mind.

Finally, a reputable store will not only deliver the tire for your convenience, but should also be able to help you out with directions on installing your tire or the name of a good place to have it installed.

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5 Most Important Things to Remember About Dating Girls

By Stewart L. Haney

Everybody does it. Not everybody loves it. Whether you like dating or find it stressed and hideous, you know that if you're ever going to find the one individual who can stop your dating life forever, you've got to do it. Gentlemen, you just have to date girls if you're ever going to find the ideal one for you. So, here is some sensible advice for you.

Successful dating can be broken down into the five most important things about dating girls.They are:

Girls are not guys. They do not think it is fun to make noises by placing their hands under their armpits and acting like a winged creature. Even if they are drunk, they don- like this. Save this type of behavior for guy night.

Girls aren't fellows. They don't think it is cool to gloat about your prior relationship conquests. They don't need to know about the ditzy blonde who had zero to claim but had the most extraordinary rack ever made. Nor do they suspect it is cool to have their guy welcomed by each lady in the place. Take your date to a different place simply to be on the safe side and never, never, never mention your ex-girlfriend.

Girls are not guys. They do not wish to see you show up at their door in your ratty old jeans with an inexpensive five-buck pizza in hand. Trust me on this one. Perhaps later way later, like after the youngsters become teens it'll be O.K for this sort of thing to occur. Except for now, please, men : take a shower, put on something nice like khakis and a pullover shirt, and have flowers in hand rather than oily fast food.

Girls aren't fellows. They don't adore it when their date pulls out buy-one-get-one-free discounts at the cafe till. There's nothing wrong with a bargain, particularly in these difficult commercial times, but use those freebies when you go out with your mom ( who will adore your thriftiness ) or your best chum ( who would not notice or care how you paid). Don't make your date think that she's not worth full cost.

Girls are not guys. They do not find burping and farting contests hilariously interesting and entertaining. Who can come up with most-silent-but-most-deadly one without any prior warning is nothing to be proud of, according to the female half of the population. Neither is it way cool to be able to belch out the melody to he Star-Spangled Banner. Again, save it for football night with the frat brothers.

Remembering the 5 most crucial things to bear in mind about dating girls will take you further than the rest when it comes to having a wonderful time on your dates. The five most crucial things to consider about dating girls will also let you get more than one date with the same lady. There are a lot of people who will offer you lots of advice about dating, and even some who will simply say, are yourself.

That isn't atrocious recommendation, but trust me, if being yourself includes any of the forbidden behavior in the 5 most vital things to recollect when dating girls list, do not be yourself. Be better. Remember these 5 most vital things about dating girls and have a better dating life.

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How To Recover From Getting Over Break Up

By Stewart L. Haney

Are you getting over break up right now? Do you hurt so bad that you feel like your heart is going to explode? Do you want to see the other person one minute and want to kill them the next? That is all par for the course when you are getting over break up.

Just as there are stages of grief when mourning someone that has diet, there also are steps that has got to be taken when getting over break up. One lady whose first partner died and 2nd husband divorced her asserted that it was basically simpler getting over the passing of a hubby than it was getting over divorce. That's because there societal support when anyone dies, but you should go about getting over break up on your own.

The first thing you should do is sit down and write a long letter to your ex. Pour out your heart. Share the experiences you had together. Tell him or her why you loved them. Put on paper how you feel about the break up. Call them names. It's okay to emote in this letter because no one is ever going to see it. That is because you are going to light a candle and burn the letter over the candle flame. There are not many rituals that go along with breaking up, but this one can help you on the road to emotional recovery.

Next, you want to order to exchange stuff. If you've been in a relationship of any length, you almost certainly have some things of his at your place and he got your things at his. You need a lot of this stuff back and she is similarly keen to get theirs. Work out a time for a mutual exchange.

If there are things of your ex that aren't going to be exchanged, either box them up or throw them away. Don't leave your ex toothbrush lying around the bathroom because it will only remind you of them as you are trying to go about getting over break up.

It is also a good idea to box up any gifts your ex gave you for a time. Wearing a watch that your ex gave you will make you think of them every time you check to see what time it is. That just not a good idea when getting over break up.

There are often finance matters that must be straightened out when getting over a break up. If you owe your ex cash, try and either clear it from your own funds or get another loan to clear it. If you've a checking account together, work out how you're going to divvy it up and then go to the bank to shut it.

What you should be seeing is a pattern of closing out the parts of your lives that you shared. This is essential to getting over break up.

After you have done what's mandatory, agree to have no contact for 30 days. This will enable you to commence building separate lives. You should not call, text, e-mail, or meet the other person in this time. You will even wish to agree that some places like a particular bar or maybe a given church long to one party or the other in this month long period.

After you've had time to start building a fresh life, you'll be in a position to interact more typically once more. This is a tough time, so give yourself the space you need to go about getting over break up.

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Don't Let It End And Stop My Divorce

By Stewart L. Haney

If you're going thru that awful time when you like feels like is coming to a close and you end up pleading, "Someone, please stop my divorce!" you are not alone. There are plenty of who have gone thru it and saved their wedding and lots who did not but found themselves content again afterward. There are things that you can do to help to stop a divorce or correct issues before they get to that point.

First realize, though, that as much as you may want to save your relationship you may not be able to. Make sure that you prepare yourself mentally for any possible outcome. This isn't thinking pessimistically, it is being realistic which is what you need to be.

Make use of family care or seek out marriage advisors. They've been well trained and have tons of experience helping people go thru these times. Even if there's adultery concerned, they're going to be able to help. Many unions have been brought back from the edge due to analysis and care. They're used to working with infidelity between spouses, depression, or any other items that stress a relationship to the point of divorce. Relationship advice doesn't need to be dear, there are lots of good selections for you to use to get good relationship recommendation before you see a divorce counsel.

One thing that you can learn not to do that may help stop your divorce before you ever get an attorney involved is don't argue. Arguing will only make the situation worse. You can try calling it reasoning or what ever but the truth is you are trying to force them to feel differently than they do. If you are serious and you want to "stop my divorce" then realize that your battle is against your separation, not your spouse. The more you argue with them and try to point out where they are wrong the more they will be wrong in your mind.

Don't try to protect yourself. You'll be right, but do not attempt to persuade them of that. Find the truth in their debate and agree with that. The more that you can agree with the things they assert, the more they'll be right. This can only help them to see that you are ready to do what you need them to do, see your side of the story. If you're prepared to be truthful and accept what they are making an attempt to say then they will more probably be open to listening to your side. Relationship counseling is great at helping you know how to speak better if you need to "stop my divorce."

This is just one part of the things that you can do to help when you're desiring somebody to help "stop my divorce". Give up talking about it and start acting on it. Your wedding will only have an opportunity to survive if you're ready to act.

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Be Impartial When Writing Review Articles

By Dirk Andersen

Readers expect the articles to be educative, entertaining and informative. They wish to find the information they are looking for. It is essential for the articles to be keyword optimized as only then search engines can find the articles. People read the articles for the information or content it has and online tools help in tracking the readers.

Won't you look for useful information in article? Will you not search online for reviews before purchasing a product or service? The same applies to readers reading your articles too. Therefore, writing reviews will make the readers to go through your article. Reviews should be unbiased and useful as you can find similar reviews online.

Writing reviews that are engaging, informative and unbiased grabs the attention of the readers. Biased reviews will not fetch readers as they are looking for useful information. Write a review highlighting the pros and cons of a product or service and the chances of people reading the review is more.

Are you seeing lots of affiliate programs on the Internet? Read reviews written by experts in this niche before signing up one. These reviews will help in taking the right route to success especially the newcomers. There are so many intermediate and advanced users who know various strategies to taste success in these affiliate programs.

Look for online reviews that are really informative and has reference to articles that are published earlier. In this way, the one who reviews actually summarizes existing content that is original. This can be an existing e-book or an already published whitepaper. When contents are summarized, readers will get an idea on whether to purchase a product or service.

All of us have only very less time and therefore researching about a product or service is not possible as it consumes a lot of time. It is definitely frustrating when we are unable to find the information we are looking at. I am not sure how many of you know that one of the words that is searched the highest is "review." Doesn't this tell us that readers are looking for reviews?

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Article Marketing with UAW

By Vexez Ong

What exactly is Article Marketing? Article Marketing in the internet marketing basically means writing several articles that is related to the website or webpage you want to promote then submit these articles to many articles directories. It is one of the most common, effective and popular marketing methods today. Mainly because it is FREE and you get high exposure to readers out there. When you write articles, your articles will relate to your website, telling the reader more about that topic you are sharing and finally linking them back to your site. Usually in your resource box, the place where you tell people more about yourself, your webpage or the thing you are promoting.

What does Article Marketing do? Article Marketing is getting very popular in the recent 2-3 years mainly because of Google and the technology used on many articles directories. Many marketers out there would want to advertise their website and get more people to visit. With these articles directories using Web 2.0 technology, Google Search Engine Bot crawls them easier or rather I would say Google bots LOVES such sites. Google tends to index such place more often, especially when there is very often updates on that specific site. Which it happens very often on articles directories because many people are posting articles on those directories. This will result in having a chance to have your article get indexed by Google, the big brother search engine online today, and expose to as many people as you wish. Another point is backlinks, having articles submitted to many articles directories, especially those popular ones around with high Google page rank, you will also get more backlinks to your site because you promoted your website in your resource box of these articles which will be shown together with the article. Google takes backlink into consideration on listing your page or that article in Google search result, and also your page rank or even the page rank of the article directory your article is on. In short, having your articles on as many articles directories as you can, with many high page rank articles directories, your article will get very high amount of exposure.

How does Article Marketing help? From what I've explained so far above, it explains how article marketing can help you advertise your website and get high exposure. Not forgetting writing articles and submitting them to article directories can be FREE, all of them can be done by you manually. Having this FREE method of advertisement, to help you promote the thing you want to advertise, it truly help you on the advertising and marketing your website.

How to make Article Marketing EASIER and Amplify its result? As I don't really wish to share this idea because it might saturate and reduce the effect in some ways. If you spend some time on Internet Marketing or Article Marketing, you should have heard of this. Unique Article Wizard (UAW) - This is really one wonderful tool I've used online, one of the best so far.

What does UAW do? As you probably has already seen many reviews or affiliates of UAW recommending it, it is really too good. I posted this Article, this exact one you are reading, on my own Google Site click here - Then I submitted this article with UAW to hundreds of directories, you simply Google it to check this, verify the proof with your own actions. Google these few exact topics or copy this whole string into Google Search. "Article Marketing with UAW" OR "Article Marketing Introduced by Vexez" OR "Article Marketing with Unique Article Wizard" I'm also not sure how good the results can be, its my test and its the proof for Unique Article Wizard. I've also submitted some others articles to promote different websites and links with UAW, I was actually stunned. When I checked back on those website hits, just 1-2 days after submission, I physically got shocked. 1000+ hits for one of them, 500+ hits for another, in just 1-2 days after submission.

I'm actually having doubts in recommending this idea to people because if everyone is using this, I'm actually getting more people to fight with me in this Article Marketing method. As an user of UAW, my review for Unique Article Wizard (UAW) is highly rated.

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Growing the Tree.

By Jay Kubassek

Personal branding is no longer the celebrity culture embellishment it once was associated as. It's more than "Foreman Grills" and Body by Jake (I have both actually). It has become a fundamental necessity of any successful business. If your company does not articulate its brand message clearly and consistently within its given space, it is certain to die the slow death of irrelevance. However, even the systematic, and clear dissemination of your company brand/message is not enough to distinguish yourself in a given consumer space. Why? Because everybody already does that! Sure, every blue moon a McDonalds will change it's slogan, Pepsi will change the look of its can (a recent design debauchery if I might add) but overall companies launch with a singular message, and then beat you over the head with it until you buy it or decide you didn't want it after all. So then what do you need to brand yourself in a distinguishable way?

As an Entrepreneur, consider it this way for a moment:

Joe Entrepreneur is the CEO and President of "Joe Inc." Joe Inc. has spent many a night in his horrifically loathsome basement for the last 2 years developing a revolutionary new slinky. Let's just say this slinky can go UP the stairs! Joe is thrilled, both with the slinky and to be out of the basement. He knows the Internet is the most effective and explosive means of getting exposure for his magnum opus, but he's a little unsure of how to go about publicizing his ingenious feat. This is where the difference between brand Publicity and PR come into play.

Publicity is easy. Anyone can either pay or entice, various media outlets to run a story, throw up a banner, write a review. If any of these are positive (which in the case of a stair-climbing slinky has got to be a given) they will definitely help increase awareness. But does awareness translate into sales? Everyone knows about AOL still, but how many new users does it really have?

Now on the other hand "PR" is about the strategic crafting of the your brand's STORY. It's the artistry of how you evaluate, and ultimately compose, the consumer's interaction with your product. Its interaction with your design, price point, functionality and relevance. Ultimately it is simply storytelling. This is what makes your company, your product, even You, worth discussion.

The acute concentration of these detailed elements is the formation of your branded message, (i.e. CarbonCopyPro). Whether it be the color palette on your blog, the font size, the packaging or the music. Each element is a branch, the roots your product, the growth of the tree, well that's determined on how well you can water the details with the sweat of innovation.

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Will The Aymen Arbitrage Conspiracy Be Your Key To Success?

By Daw Mann

The Aymen Arbitrage Conspiracy is a misnomer. Conspiracy is a legal term. It is means to agree with one or another person to perform an illegal act. There in nothing illegal in the Aymen Arbitrage Conspiracy. No you are only learning how to make money on the Internet.

CPA marketing is at the core of the Aymen Arbitrage program. You have probably seen banners or ads on websites which invite you to click them and submit your email address in order to qualify for a gift card at department stores. Or you have seen ads offering free ring tones for your cell phone when you click on and provide your contact information or simply your zip code. You can make money by becoming an affiliate with the companies who make these offers available.

The Aymen Arbitrage system works mainly with CPA advertising. It will show you how to effectively place banner ads and how to use links in your online marketing campaign to get people to click, give their contact information and thereby earn more and more commissions for you. The more clicks the more you get paid.

Now after years of making a lot of money online Aymen Arbitrage is sharing his secrets with those willing to pay for his course. He paints himself as different from well known online marketers and instructors. He names people on his website many familiar with online marketing would recognize.

Have you tried any Internet marketing products? Have you made a million dollars yet off the Internet? It is an interesting concept, making money online. Some say the real money to be made is teaching others how to make money online. There will always be people who want to learn how to make money.

How long have people made money online? Has it been about fifteen to twenty years that all of these Internet gurus have been making money with Internet marketing methods they are now teaching others how to use?

With the economy taking the hits it has lately and with unemployment up it is no wonder that many are willing to pay for courses to learn how to make money online.

But do not deceive yourself. Internet marketing is not as easy as it might seem. Like any other business it takes time and effort and a little luck. And it takes money. Not only money to buy the course like Aymen Arbitrage's but it takes money to advertise your online business. And you need to be disciplined. If you are not a self starter you will have some trouble. If you like the idea of not having a boss you better be your own boss. If you do not do what you tell yourself to do everyday, you will soon be back looking for another boss. You will have to because your online business will fail.

There are plenty of online courses out there. There are many online marketers who will be happy to take your money and show you how they made their millions online. The Aymen Arbitrage is one of them. These courses are only as good as you make them. You do not simply order their system and wait for the money to pour in. You have to make the effort and pay the price with your effort and online sweat.

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4 Autumn Ideas for Wine and Vineyard Wedding Favors

By Aaron Hu

This fall, many brides will be looking for the perfect favor to give to guest as thanks for coming to their wedding. These gifts can be just about anything but they have to be related to the theme of the wedding. A good idea is wine and vineyard themed wedding favors. These are great because they add a level of sophistication and elegance to the harvest connotations of the fall theme. A bride that knows how to use this theme well in her guest gifts will be sure to leave a remarkable impression. Here are some great suggestion of what wine wedding favors to use and how best to use them.

The type of guest present that immediately comes to mind when you think of wine wedding favors are wine tools. These are utensils used for the serving and opening of wine. They are useful because there will be definitely times when a guest will want a glass wine for their own guests or enjoy with a special someone. So why not let it be the tool set that you gave them? You can beautiful wine bottle openers and stoppers that are fall themed and flow well with the design motif of your nuptials. They are a also a gift that will be sure to remind your attendees of the great time that they had at your wedding.

Another great gift options are wine and shot glasses. Like the wine utensils they are items that will be used often. They also had the added benefit of being items that will be often used. In addition they can be customized to match the autumn theme of your nuptials. You can also add personal inscriptions such as favorite quotes and even a picture of you and the groom.

You can also give wine bottle shaped candles they are great novelty items that your guests can enjoy in their homes. They will most likely be for personal use. However they can be interesting conversations and will prove to be great souvenirs. Another option is to go with wine scented candles. Your guest can enjoy the fruity aroma of famous vintages without having to open up an expensive vintage. For scented candles you can go further by also personalizing them with special messages and pictures

Refrigerator magnets are also popular. Everyone has important notes or calendars that they want to post on their fridge and magnets will always be in demand for that purpose. In the case of meeting your autumn wine motif they are great because you can find them in shapes such as wine bottles, grapes, and if you look hard enough even old fashioned wine presses. The possibilities are endless.

You can also find wine and grape themed photo frames these are great because they can be used to hold your guests pictures of your special day. This is a great favor to pair with a disposable wedding camera favor. Since the cameras will have to be turned in after guest are done taking pictures of the wedding with them the photo frames will be ways to hold the pictures your guests receive. You can also add to the classiness of the frames by trying to get in sterling silver. This is also economical because you can give a valuable favor without overspending.

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Pheromones To Attract Women

By Sebastian Thomas

Although hygiene and a nice appearance is important in successfully attracting a woman to you, it is the amplified effect of human pheromones that can significantly make a difference as well. The popularity of pheromones that are worn on the body and skin has significantly increased over the years.

Pheromones attract women in ways that create inhibitions of sensual desire and passion. There will sure be an increase in flirtation, attention and eye contact when pheromones are worn out in public. Never doubt the power of human pheromones and all that they are capable of.

Some of the many popular human pheromones out there include, Chikara for men, Primal instinct, Realm, Nexus and the list goes on and on. Do you know why? Because the effectiveness of them really works and it brings back people to experience more of them, each and every time.

Human pheromones are a great icebreaker, especially when you go on your first date or are just open to dialogue. I have used this technique myself and I have found it very satisfying and potentially successful, when picking up women.

These are very important clues that you need to pick up when wearing pheromones on your body. If you are aware of the signs from women, then all you have to do is the rest to follow up effectively and enjoy a wonderful night with her. Trust me, it has worked quite well for me.

I have learned that an amplified effect of pheromones on the body significantly increases the chances of successfully attracting a mate much easier than wearing nothing at all. What an idea and conception this is, to have a real pheromone scent and attract women as life was intended.

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