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How To Get Wife Back

By Gerald Hice

When a guy finds himself abandoned because his wife has just walked away from him there is just one thing on his mind at that time. And that's what have I got to do to get wife back?

That very question is asked 100 pc of the time when the husband feels/knows that he's truly to blame on why his wife left him. But the sorrowful thing is most guys are clueless as to what they have done that led to their wife to just walk away from them.

In all my years of helping couples mend there relationships, I revealed that virtually every man is responsible for 3 things that drive women right out of there lives.

Below we'll eye the commonest mistake men make in marriage that causes the their wife to stroll off. Then we're going to gaze at what you'll need to do to get wife back into your arms again.

No. 1 Problem ... Men stop the hunt/pursuit of their wives:

What I mean is guys simply don't see the need to continue stalking after the game (which is their wife) when they are married. As a man you are made with this impulse to hunt/pursue everything you go after. And once you have achieved what you were after (which in this situation was your wife) you simply move on to the following game which is mostly your career.

If you're guilty at doing precisely what I just listed above and you truly wish to get wife back. Then the neatest thing that you can do to get back your wife is...

...Get back into the hunt and stay there.

How do I get back into the hunt you ask? Well can you remember what all you probably did to WOO your wife when you two were dating? If so then just do it again. Start giving her special notes from you again just announcing how in love you are with her, deliver her flowers for no special reason, buy her little gifts just because you miss her and start opening the door for her again. I promise you it was those small things that you probably did while you were dating that she was missing while you were married. Simply because it made her feel loved and special when you probably did those things because a girl likes to be hunted/pursued. Do you see what I am talking about?

I vow to you that if she walked away from you because she was feeling forgotten and unappreciated. Then Get into The Hunt and show her, by pursuing her, that you continue to love her. She stills loves you, she just needs to see the man that claimed her love to begin with is still there desiring her (and you show her this by hunting her). And when she sees him again, you will have won your lover back. I Promise!


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