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Today   the   hottest  topic  in  the  area  of  business
         opportunities is the Internet.  Millions  of  people  are
         getting  connected onto the Internet each month. Business
         owners are excited about using  the  Internet  as  a  low
         cost  way  to advertise their business. There are several
         reasons for this: an  Internet  business  can  reach  the
         entire  world,  it can be open 24 hours a day, and it can
         be automated.

         What is happening today is very similar to what  occurred
         when  powerful  low  cost personal computers first became
         widely available at a reasonable cost.  This  development
         caused  an  explosion  of  new business opportunities and
         new ways of doing business. The emergence of the Internet
         as an easy to use tool is causing  revolutionary  changes
         in  business marketing. The Internet can provide you with
         the power and freedom to  operate  many  businesses  that
         cannot be done using older technology.

         But  what  is  the  reality of this new technology? Are a
         large number of people cashing in on the Internet? Is  it
         the  right  opportunity  for  everyone?  How  can you get
         started?  What  does  it  take  to  make  money  on   the
         Internet?  This report provides some answers to the above
         questions. It also points out a path that you can take if
         you want to earn money on the Internet.

         First, let us look at a typical business  owner  who  has
         heard  the  claims  of  the Internet as a way to increase
         profits. Thousands of business owners have been convinced
         that they can set up a web site, and  make  money.  These
         people  have rushed onto the Internet, and hastily put up
         a web site. In most cases this has been  done  with  very
         little planning or advanced preparation.

         It   is   very  predictable  that  most  of  these  hasty
         assembled web sites have produced very little sales.  The
         business  owner becomes disappointed after 4 or 5 months,
         and concludes that Internet Marketing does not work.  The
         conclusion  they  have  reached  is  correct!  Using  the
         Internet in the manner they did will not produce profits.
         The sad fact is that most would be Internet entrepreneurs
         expect too much from too little  of  an  effort.  Without
         the  proper  marketing effort, any Internet business site
         is doomed to failure.

         Most business owners assume that many of the  60  million
         web   surfers  will  find  their  web  site,  and  become
         customers. The reality is that very  few  customers  will
         locate  your  web  site by accident, or even by using the
         search engines. In order to get a lot  of  visitors  (and
         potential  customers) to your web site, you must do a lot
         of  marketing.  The  good  news  is  that  much  of  this
         marketing  effort  can be done for free or for a very low
         cost. Most of today's web site owners have not  paid  the
         price  for  success.  That  price  is  time,  effort, and

         Now let us look at a different kind of Internet  business
         owner.  A  few months ago, I met a man named Gary Wilson.
         Gary had started a web site in early  1996.  He  produced
         almost  no  income in the first three months of activity.
         However, this didn't discourage Gary.  During  this  time
         period he kept very busy. Here is what he was doing.

         Gary   was   busy  learning  everything  he  could  about
         Internet marketing methods. He visited  hundreds  of  web
         sites  and  observed  how  they  were  operating. He read
         numerous  books,  and  articles.  He  experimented   with
         several  different marketing methods. Within three months
         Gary begin to  apply  everything  he  had  learned  about
         marketing.  Within  six  months Gary was able to quit his
         regular job because he was earning more  money  from  his
         Internet marketing techniques.

         Now  we  have  evaluated  two  stories  that  have vastly
         different results. Which story more closely matches  what
         you  have  done on the Internet? Have you put in the same
         kind of time and  effort  that  Gary  did?  If  not  then
         perhaps  there  is  a  reason  that  you  web site is not
         earning a profit.

         They keys to successful selling on the Internet  are  the
         same  as  for marketing by any other method (such as mail
         order). These keys are knowledge, and effort. First,  you
         must  obtain  a  thorough  knowledge  of  proper Internet
         marketing techniques. Next, you must take the  time,  and
         effort  to  apply  those techniques. When a comparison of
         failed, and successful web sites is done it reveals these
         facts:  the  successful  sites  have  followed  the  same
         formula  that  Gary did -- the failures simply lacked the
         same type of effort.

         Does this mean that you can automatically  have  Internet
         selling  success  by  following proven marketing methods.
         The answer is no -- but you cannot have a great  deal  of
         success  without  it!! Success in our business is never a
         guarantee, other factors such as price,  quality,  demand
         for  the product, and competition can all have a negative
         effect. However, you can greatly  increase  your  chances
         for success by using proven Internet marketing methods.

         Now,  let's  go  back  to  the original question. Can you
         make money  on  the  Inter  net?   The  answer  is  quite
         possibly be yes -- if you follow the same marketing steps
         that  other  success business web sites follow. Thousands
         of ordinary people have proven the above statement.

         Today,   the   Internet   still   abounds   with    great
         opportunities  for making money. These opportunities will
         become much more competitive over the next few years, and
         many more people launch an Internet business. Now is  the
         time  for  you  to  get  started.  Ask  yourself, are you
         willing to make the necessary effort. Here are some  tips
         on how to get started.

         1.  You  can  find  a  lot  of FREE marketing help on the
         Internet. Do a search on  Internet  marketing  and  visit
         some web sites.

         2.  Get  my  FREE  report  "13  Hot  Internet Moneymaking
         Methods" --- see instructions at the end of this article.

         3. Visit successful business web sites and  observe  what
         they are doing.

         4.  Develop  your  own  unique  product, one that you can
         control and distribute  yourself.  Ideally  your  product
         will be based on some skill or knowledge that you already
         have or can easily acquire.

         5.  Consider  some of the many reseller programs that are
         available. While most of these programs will not  produce
         a  large  income  by  themselves  but  they can be a nice
         addition to your regular products.

         6. Get a web site now and start marketing. Sometimes  the
         best way to learn is to simple experiment. You can easily
         set up a nice web site for less than $50 per month.

         7.   Put  in  the  time  and effort that will get you the
         necessary skills and knowledge that you  need.  Don't  be
         afraid to spend a little money on books and software.